Do not edit these configs because it will just revert. Now you should see two “.exe” files one titled "jk2sp.exe" and "jk2mp.exe" (for JK2) or "jasp.exe" and "jamp.exe" (for JKA) Once you find them there should be a folder titled "Base" in gamedata open that up and find files titled "jaconfig.cfg" for sp and "jampconfig.cfg" for MP.
Navigate to base folder but first to get to your “gamedata” folder in JK2 and JKA you must go to your steam library, right click Jedi outcast or Jedi academy, then click properties (located in the context menu), now click the tab titled “Local Files” and then click the box titled "browse local files." If you followed these steps correctly you should see a folder pop up titled "Jedi Outcast" or "Jedi Academy" inside that folder there should be another folder titled "Gamedata" open that by selecting the folder and double clicking or select the folder and press enter key. G_saberAutoAim - caмoнaвeдeниe мeчa пpи eгo бpocкe